
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Best Food I Found In Penang (That Never Mentioned in Other Blogs)

This is actually my personal review on what I found best here in Penang. I bet most Malaysians who came to Penang will surely put food hunting in their to-do list and so do I. Okay let's go through my list!

1. Chicken Milani (Restoran Kapitan around Queensbay Mall)
I put this in the first place because this is the only food that put me into awe and still haunt me even after I'm no longer in Penang! I even google the nearest Restoran Kapitan around my living area so I can just hit the road and nourish my taste bud with the amazing taste of chicken milani. Nyums!

*wipe drools*
From left: coleslow, dhal, mint and another one is unknown heheh
No blog that write about best food in Penang include this menu in their list so when my friend first mentioned about Chicken Milani we all be like, "What?!" and thought Milani is a brand or a type of noodle lol. 

Chicken Milani can either be combined with nasi briyani or roti naan. As we were having this for lunch so we chose to combine it with nasi briyani. When the tray first arrived at our table, I just looked at the dish without any high expectation.  I mean nasi briyani with chicken in cheese? Doesn't look appealing right?

My friend is the first to try. She picked a spoon and have a taste of the cheese and then screamed, "Weh sedap weh! Sumpah sedap!" And then the other friend give it a try. He was totally speechless that he can only rolled his eyes due to the amazement lol. Oh how I wish I recorded their reaction so I can upload it here as a proof </3

It surprised me how nasi briyani can blend so well with the chicken in cheese (chicken milani) but I'm pretty sure the side dishes like mint help to give more taste to the dish by making it savory more than just sweet.

A set of this will cost you RM10.50. Definitely worth it. I actually shared this with my friend since I can't fit all of these into my tummy alone. I will suggest you to get this dish at Restoran Kapitan around Queensbay Mall but the menu is also being served at their other branch. One of the other branch I know is located at Lebuh Chulia. However, please brace yourself with high patience as their service is kinda slow. But well, Chicken Milani really worth the wait. (actually drooling while writing the whole thing)

2. Roti canai & Roti bakar (Jalan Transfer)
They are at second place because they cannot beat the greatness of Chicken Milani. Can this be a legit reason? ><

Roti canai and beef curry (RM 7-8)
In photo, these two looked like usual roti canai we eat at mamak restaurants anywhere but the beef curry make it stand out from the crowd! The curry tastes like it was mixed with sambal ikan bilis (according to my amateur taste buds) and it taste wayyyyy better like that. 

I present to you the infamous Roti Bakar Transfer Road! (RM 3)

If you are a big fan of half boiled egg, you really should try this one. This is actually a combination of toast bread with half boiled egg on top of it. Dab some soy sauce and pepper then tada! your breakfast is ready. Enjoy ;)

3. Satay International (Gurney Drive)

If you have this sudden craving on satay during your vacation in Penang, just drop by at Gurney Drive Food Court and get your satay here. However, the price is quiet expensive compared to other places. Biasanya secucuk sate ayam/daging dijual dengan harga 60sen-80sen, tapi kat sini sate ayam berharga 80sen manakala sate daging RM 1, dan sate kambing RM1.20 (I compared with satay sold at Batu Pahat, Melaka and Sepang).

Sate daging & sate kambing.

Although the price is fairly expensive but it is still affordable and the taste is kinda worth it. I'm not a big fan of satay after all so I'm not really sure how to comment about the taste heheh

4. Ais Kepal (Armenian Street)

We tried to search "Where to get the best ais kepal in Penang?" on Google but ended up finding the stall by accident while searching for the street arts around the area. 

Excited Din with his ais kepal.

I'm not sure if ais kepal was sold anywhere else because this is my first time eating this and if you don't know what ais kepal is, it is actually ice that has been smashed into smallest pieces like in ABC with flavor that we chose poured on it. 

What I like the most about this seller is the fact that she is wearing glove while preparing the ais kepal. Hygiene first, everyone!

Suraya with her ribena flavoured ais kepal. There are actually more choices of flavor like rose, lychee and mango.

After I finished writing these I just realised that this is like an all-day menu. You can go have roti bakar as breakfast at Transfer Road then have Chicken Milani for lunch, get ais kepal for dessert and Satay International for dinner. Perfecto! 

I hope you like my list and leave comments below. Thanks! :D


  1. Hurmm...tunglaa ade din dan sue>.>....mana makanan lain?bnyk lagi sedap!

    1. Makanan lain dah selalu disebut. I only mentioned the unmentioned hihi

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. uuuu sis rasa nak makan skang jugak

  4. pergh pergh sedap gila Roti Bakar Transfer Road.!



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