
Monday, March 28, 2016

Mask Of Magnaminty by Lush

It's been a while since I last wrote any review so today, I want to talk about this face mask.

Before we start, have you ever heard about Lush?
This is a UK based company that aiming to sell natural hair and beauty products. One of their famous product is bath bombs. You can read more about Lush here.

So, why this mask?
I actually bought this mask for my sister as her birthday present. She has eczema, which makes her skin super sensitive and prone to acne. Both of us has oily skin. I heard that this product is totally natural and organic so I thought of giving it a shot. Some people suggest this mask because they said it is good for oily and acne skin.

It has Japanese characters because this one is from LUSH Japan.

What LUSH Kitchen claimed this product can do:

A multi-purpose mask with a mixture of gentle yet effective ingredients to clean, calm and clear the skin - now in a self-preserving formula. Easily smoothed over the skin anywhere you like, this mask is made with peppermint oil to stimulate, marigold oil and chlorophyllin to treat the skin; evening primrose seeds and aduki beans to gently exfoliate as you remove it. There’s also mineral rich kaolin to nourish, antibacterial honey, and peppermint oil to stimulate the blood cells just under the surface of your skin to leave it looking bright and refreshed.
You can read full about this product and customer's review here.
There are actually two types of mask of magnaminty: the normal one and the self-preserve.
At first, I thought self-preserve formula means it will last longer than the normal one but my seller said both last three months. The difference is one is for sensitive skin and one is not. My seller suggest me to try the normal one first.
From the website, I can't see any difference between these two but if you know more about this, please leave me comments! :D

What I think the product actually do:
Firstly, I need you to know that I only have used this mask three times. While trying on this product, I have few bumps on my forehead and my skin has been extra oily, probably because of the hot weather in Malaysia.
During my first try, I might have wear it too thick it feels drying. Usually I will wear my masker overnight but I couldn't stand the dryness so I washed it off.
The second time, I learnt my lesson and wear it just enough - not too thick and too thin.
It doesn't feel drying and I can sleep with it on my face. The masker will turns flaky when its dry and dirt your bed but that's okay because you can just brush it off.
The third time I used this, I realised the bumps on my forehead has become smaller.
Other than the drying due to my own mistake, this masker doesn't irritates my skin at all nor it cause me breakouts. I believe the peppermint oil give cooling effects on the skin. It also has gentle formula and you can scrub your face while removing the mask.
However, it did nothing to my imbalance oil secretion. My skin still oily especially on my forehead area. It might works if I give it more try.

How the product looks like:
125g that can last for more than three months. Green in colour and smells like mint chocolate ice-cream. Nyums!

RM63, I bought from an Instagram shop: @delightful.nblh


I dislike the packaging since it is in tub which makes it hard to maintain the hygiene. However, due to the thick texture, I believe this is the best packaging they can do. The price is quiet high for me since I know few drugstore maskers that are way cheaper and work better. But considering the non-chemical formula and import charge, it is okay to give it a go.

Will I buy this product again:
Depends on my bank account lol. But I love the cooling effect I think I will come back for it.

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